• 9897078604
  • madarsakaliyar@gmail.com
  • Piran Kaliyar Sharif, Roorkee, Haridwar, Uttarakhand

Appeal for Donation

Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu (May peace, mercy, and blessings be upon you)

We humbly request you to open your hearts and support our institution through your generous donations. We kindly urge you to reach out to your friends and relatives, spreading the message of our noble cause. Your contributions will play a vital role in helping us complete our ongoing projects and continue our mission of providing quality education and spiritual guidance.

How to Donate

To make your donation, please send a draft or a cheque in favor of:

Darul Uloom Qadria Sabria Barkaat-E-Raza Trust

Punjab National Bank, Piran Kaliyar Sharif
Account: 9948002100000520
IFSC: PUNB0994800

State Bank of India, Piran Kaliyar Sharif
Account No: 30449777303
IFSC: SBIN0011571


Citizen Educational & Welfare Charity Trust

Punjab National Bank, Piran Kaliyar Sharif
Account: 9948002100000539
IFSC: PUNB0994800

State Bank of India, Piran Kaliyar Sharif
Account No: 30449778090
IFSC: SBIN0011571


Please include a letter addressed to the Manager of Darul Uloom Qadria Sabria Barkaat-e-Raza, Kaliyar Sharif, stating that the donated amount can be utilized for the betterment of society. This will enable us to maintain transparent records for the Indian Government.


Additionally, we have set up a digital payment platform for your convenience. You can scan and pay using any digital payment platform to the following account: 9897078604m@pnb.


Citizen Educational And Welfare Charity Trust

Scan and Pay With any Digital Payment Platforms


May Allah Bless You

May Allah (God) bless you abundantly in this world and the hereafter for your noble act of charity. Your generous support will make a significant difference in the lives of our students and enable us to continue serving the community with excellence.

Contact Information

Darul Uloom Qadria Sabria Barkaat-e-Raza
Piran Kaliyar Sharif, Roorkee (Haridwar)
Uttarakhand (India)

For Donation receipt Contact us


Piran Kaliyar Sharif, Roorkee-247667
Distt. Haridwar (Uttarakhand), India
 Office Cell : +91-7505122441
Office E-mail : Madarsakaliyar@gmail.com
Website : www.darululoomkaliyar.com

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